Day #12 – Improving Bowel Function

Questions? Discuss This Challenge In The Forums!

Hello again!

How are you holding up for Day #12? We’re almost done, friends.

Are you going to win the Air Doctor Pro, the Blublox sunglasses, or the Omron personal nebulizer? I hope so!

Today your task is to start incorporating coffee enemas and colonics into your life. What I like to do personally is to do a coffee enema once per week (usually Sunday) and once per year do a series of colonics.


According to Dr. Norman Walker, he recommended a series of 6 twice per year. This could be in January and July. Week 1 you could do 2 colonics and repeat for weeks 2 and 3 or do 3 colonics for 2 weeks, or you could even do 1 colonic daily for 6 days if that works for your schedule.

With the number of chemicals, toxins, poisons, hormones in food, environmental pollution, and EMF radiation, cleansing is more important than nutrition.

The title of Dr. Sherry Rogers’s book is apropos, Detoxify, or Die!

Instructions: Go to or College Health Stores and purchase some enema equipment. Then make an appointment for a good colon hydrotherapist in your area. Take a photo and use the hashtag #ExtremeHealthChallenge for extra entrances to the competition and increase your chances of winning! Also, tag us at @ExtremeHealthAcademy

Note: You must do complete today’s mission at to gain more points!

Dr. Bergman D.C., Justin & Kate