Day #12 – Heating Foods

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Hello my friend!

Day 12 – Heating foods

This might be the easiest challenge so far because you probably already don’t use a microwave.

But if you are we implore you to avoid using it except for hot packs… if at all.

The most ideal and natural way to cook food is in water by boiling it. This ensures that the food doesn’t get too hot in the heating process because of the medium of water.

Steaming food is also another great option for cooking food.

Make sure if you barb-q your food to avoid letting the flames touch the food itself and create a blackened charred outer portion. This blackened area is highly toxic creating heterocyclic amines that are carcinogenic to your body.

The other things to consider when cooking are the pots and pans you use. Make sure they’re organic, preferably glass and or derived from clay. We like ceramic.

Heavy metals can leach into your foods during the cooking process and when combined with wireless technology and the 5G smart grid, this is causing many diseases.

Cooking is serious business and you need to make sure to do it right (not just for flavor too!).

Instructions: Take a picture of your microwave (or how you’ve cooked your meal), upload it to Instagram or Facebook, and use the hashtag #ExtremeHealthAcademy then upload it to!

Note: You must do complete today’s mission at to gain more points!

Dr. Bergman, Justin & Kate

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