Day #7 – Breaking Down Your Limits

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Hello Friends!

Today is Day #7 my friends I hope you’re enjoying this health challenge!

One of the best ways to alter your nervous system is reconnecting to the desires of your heart. Too often we have followed what “authority figures” and society has told us we need to do with our lives.

How about reconnecting with the 12-year-old you who was passionate and excited about life. Remember what that was like? Remember all the hopes, dreams, passions, and goals you dreamed about?

Let’s start to get the ball rolling and see how we can begin to dream again.

Instructions: Make a list of 100 items for who you want to be, do, or become. Before you get started create 4 or 5 categories (which might be finances, travel, skills, relationships, business, etc) and then write down every goal in each category until you reach 100. Then go through your entire list and put a 1, 5, or 10 (the numbers are years you want to accomplish them by) next to them. Then pick the top 5 goals in all 3 categories (1,5,10) and then make a vision board around them. After that take a picture of your vision board or any part of this process and upload that to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and use the hashtag #ExtremeHealthChallenge.Then go to the link below to upload your picture to the challenge page.

Note: You must do complete today’s mission at in order to gain more points!

Dr. Bergman D.C., Justin & Kate

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