Day #10 – Plant Based Living

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The Extreme Health Challenge is almost over. After today there are only 4 days left!

Making healthy choices is really easy and yet sometimes it’s the easy things that are most challenging.

Today I want you to think about the food you eat, is it organic? Just so we’re clear, organic food isn’t the *most* optimal. It only means that they didn’t spray it with chemicals.


It’s those chemicals that can put an incredible amount of stress on every organ system in the body. Your immune system is always working when we constantly expose our bodies to toxins and chemicals.

Eventually, your immune system just wears out over time.

People sometimes say, “Buying organic food is so expensive! I could only buy 1/4 the amount of food if we buy organic.”

Every journey begins with one step. The old saying goes, “The less you eat, the longer you live.” So you’re much healthier eating less organic food than eating more non-organic food.

Instructions: Start by making one completely organic plant-based meal today. Or go to the grocery store and buy one organic item and post a picture of it! If you’re already on an organic diet then your challenge is to make a green juice or smoothie with that organic produce! Take a picture and use the hashtag #ExtremeHealthChallenge and @ExtremeHealthAcademy

Note: You must do complete today’s mission at in order to gain more points!

Dr. Bergman D.C., Justin & Kate

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