Having problems with your account? Experiencing difficulty using the website? Have a question about an Academy feature? Check the FAQs below for a quick and easy answer:
Can I upgrade to an Annual Membership?
Yes! We’d love to have you upgrade your subscription to an annual membership.
To do so please go to your account page and select the Subscriptions tab. Here you will see a link to ‘Change Plan’ next to your current subscription. Selecting this will allow you to change to an annual membership.
Your account will be pro-rated to take account of any time you have remaining on your current subscription period, so your annual payment may not be taken immediately. You will be told on the checkout page when payment will be taken, however.
If your question isn’t answered above please click here to get in touch with our support team and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Can I hire you to help me personally with my health challenge?
Unfortunately, we are unable to help you personally with any health challenges – the Academy is our number one priority!
We do have many members and experts in our community who can offer insights though. In the meantime though feel free to post your request in the membership forum and see if another member can help you.
Do you offer one-to-one health consutlations?
We don’t currently provide any one-to-one support for your health but are happy to answer any questions in the membership forum and you can also request personal feedback on different aspects of your current health challenges.
We will be introducing a new Mastermind style offering soon to provide more support for those members who would like it, and this will include both small group and one-to-one sessions with health experts we work with.
I’m having a problem with my health, could you email me?
Unfortunately, we can’t be responsible for your health choices and decisions. We will shortly be adding a doctor directory to the Academy though so that you can easily find someone to help you either locally or online.
In the meantime though feel free to post any health issues on the membership forum.
Can I put my account on hold?
You can pause your account at any time by going to your account page and selecting the Subscriptions tab. Here you will see an option to ‘Pause’ next to your current subscription.
Once you click this link your future payments for the Academy will be put on hold until you choose to resume.
What happens when I pause my account?
When you pause your account you will continue to have access to the Academy until the end of your current subscription period. After this, you will lose access to all of our membership content.
Once you’re ready to rejoin us you can simply go back to your account page and choose the resume option next to your subscription.
If you have paid via credit card then your subscription will be resumed straight away and you will regain access to the Academy immediately. If you have paid via PayPal however your subscription will not be restarted until the anniversary of your original payment date. If you would like to regain access before this then simply get in touch with us and we can issue a manual invoice for the time difference.
We do not put any set time limit on the length you can pause for, however, due to restrictions by our payment processors your account will be automatically canceled if you have not resumed after 12 months.
How can I cancel my account?
You can cancel your account at any time by going to your account page and selecting the Subscriptions tab. Here you will see an option to ‘Cancel’ next to your current subscription.
Once you cancel your account you will retain access to the Academy until your current subscription period ends. You can of course rejoin anytime in the future!
My payment has failed, what should I do?
These things happen! Don’t worry though, your account will not be canceled until your payment fails 3 times.
If you pay by credit card and you know that your card details have changed then you can go to your account page select the Subscriptions tab and you should see a link to ‘Update Billing Details’. Once you change your card details your payment will be processed immediately.
If you pay by PayPal please ensure that there are adequate funds in your account so that payment will go through when it is tried again.
Payment will automatically be tried again by our payment processors 5 days after a failed payment, but you will lose access to the Academy until payment is successful.
If your subscription is canceled due to 3 failed payments, you will need to sign up with a new subscription if you would like to regain access to the Academy.
Please contact us if you have any further questions about failed payments.
I’m receiving an error message saying I don’t have access to this content?
Please go to your account page select the Subscriptions tab and check that your membership subscription is showing as active.
If your subscription is current then please try logging out of your account, clearing your browser cache, and then logging back in again.
If this does not fix the issue please contact us and let us know what page you are receiving this error for.